Updated July 18, 2022, by Tom Bowen: Capcom's Mega Man series was incredibly popular throughout the nineties and still holds a special place in the hearts of many even to this day. None of the main games are fundamentally broken, and there’s a deeper level of polish involved whenever Capcom gets around to funding a mainline Mega Man game.

With twelve mainline entries dating back three decades, it’s shocking just how good most games in the Classic line-up actually are. RELATED: Every Far Cry Game To Date, Ranked Worst To Best (According To Metacritic) While the many spin-off franchises are inconsistent when it comes to quality, the Classic Mega Manseries that started it all tend to fare considerably better. It’s excellent, and incredibly fun to watch.Capcom's Mega Man may not be as popular as he once was, but the Blue Bomber has managed to build up a decent legacy over the years. Now watch ProsafiaGaming’s Mega Man 11 walkthrough below. Mega Man 11 is out today for Microsoft Windows, Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 4, and Xbox One. The 11th game in the series also has the excellent voice acting and the sweet 2.5D graphic style from the previous games.

It was released for the 30 year anniversary of the game series. Mega Man 11 was developed and is published by Capcom, and is the first new game to be released in the Mega Man series in over eight years. Yet ProsafiaGaming didn’t have a problem. Plus, he is a damned good player and the game itself is a helluva lot of fun! Especially as some game critics said some levels in the game were “too long” and with too big of a difficulty spike.

That way, you can just watch the worlds you are stuck on if that is what you are looking for.

In fact, ProsafiaGaming has managed to do a full Mega Man 11 walkthrough in just one hour and 56 minutes with no commentary, and with every world time stamped.